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Gowdy: We'll Be Asking For Clinton's Personal State Department Emails

In case you missed it yesterday, the New York Times reported that during her time as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton conducted the entirety of her official government business through a personal email account, potentially violating the Federal Records Act and skirting Freedom of Information Act laws. 


Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC), who is leading the Select Committee investigation into the 9/11 Benghazi terror attack, has taken notice of Clinton's personal email habit and said yesterday he will be asking Clinton's email provider to turn over necessary information.

Yesterday White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest desperately tried to justify Clinton's use of personal email for government business, saying all of the necessary information that was sent on personal email was also forwarded to the proper locations for the federal record. Earnest also argued that because Clinton was having conversations with State Department employees using their official government email addresses, her personal emails were being stored in compliance with the Federal Records Act. 


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